October 21: Defining and Leading Your Organization

October 21, 2020

Focused on the leadership and governance aspect of practice management, this session will dive into the following content areas: 

  • Governance & Legal Structure
  • Mission, Vision & Core Values - Development and Implementation
  • Developing Your Practice Culture

BOK Focus Area:

Organizational Governance

Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Event starts: 
10/21/2020 - 12:00pm
Event ends: 
10/21/2020 - 2:00pm
Please login to take this course or register for a login.
We have added a second session on this same topic in case that date is better for you - September 17 at the same time. You can register for that session by clicking here.

Reminder - you will receive an email with instructions and a link for connecting to the Ring Central (Zoom) call. We encourage you to use a device with a camera that can be used as a webcam so that you are able to fully participate in the class.