8120: HIPAA Training for the Medical Office 2018 (Providers and Staff)
This course will cover training for your office on HIPAA rules and regulations as well as best practices to remain in compliance.
Learning Objectives
Leave this course with a better and more cohesive understanding of HIPAA regulations as well as some best practices for remaining in compliance.
Time Requirement
31 minutes
Related Courses:
For more information on HHS Guidance and FAQ's, please refer to this online self study: HHS Guidance on Patient Access and Charging for Medical Records
Available Credit
- 1.00 Attendance
Please choose the format you wish above: Individual or Group. If you are taking this course on your own, you will choose the individual training option. If you are presenting this training to a group, please choose the group training option.
Required Hardware/software
- Pop-ups must be allowed for this website
- Adobe Flash Player
Use this link to determine your computer's Flash capabilities or to download if necessary: https://www.whatismybrowser.com/detect/is-flash-installed