BC219: Boot Camp Level II for Practice Managers 2019
No Premium Credit Available
This intermediate-level program is tailored to broadening and strengthening the knowledge of medical practice managers that have prior experience working in a medical practice. The curriculum for this three-day comprehensive workshop is based on the Body of Knowledge of the ACMPE and covers a wide spectrum of topics, including:
• Healthcare Reform
• Human Resources
• Billing & Financial Management
• Communication Skills
• Electronic Medical Records Issues
• Physician Compensation, Transition Planning & Governance Issues
• Telemedicine
• Utilizing Advanced Practice Practitioners
• Compliance — HIPAA & OIG
Payment Required:
All attendees: $625
The faculty for the course consists of SVMIC Medical Practice Consultants with deep expertise in their subject matter and is recommended for practice managers who have prior practice management experience.
ACMPE Information
The American College of Medical Practice Executives (ACMPE) credit hours may be requested for this program. One credit hour per each hour of participation may be claimed.
Hotel Information:
Attendees can make room reservations by clicking here. If you prefer to make room reservations over the phone instead, you can call 1-800-EMBASSY and reference the group code VMI. Please ensure your reservations have been made by October 15, 2019 in order to take advantage of the group discounted rate.
Target Audience
Practice managers who have prior practice management experience