8129: OSHA Compliance for Medical Practices 2025
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Welcome to SVMIC's OSHA Compliance Training for Medical Practices. This training is broken into two modules - some employees will only need one module; some employees will need both. We recommend all staff participate in the General OSHA Safety Training module. Those with potential exposure to bloodborne pathogens are required to do OSHA Education for Medical Staff at Risk of Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogen module. Click the Registration tab to choose your module and get started.
Target Audience
All medical staff and providers
Available Credit
- 1.00 Attendance
Please choose the module you wish to begin with above. We recommend all staff complete the General OSHA Safety Training module. This includes the required HazCom training for employees with the potential of exposure to hazardous chemicals. Those with potential exposure to bloodborne pathogens are required to also complete the OSHA Education for Medical Staff at Risk of Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens module.
Important to note: if you are presenting this training to a group, you will be responsible for tracking the attendance of each participant on your own. We will provide a sign-in sheet for your use in each module.
Required Hardware/software
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