8123: Harassment Free Workplace (Providers and Staff)
A harassment free workplace is the right of every employee. This presentation covers the protected rights of employees and an overview of the protections for employees against all forms of discrimination and harassment. Statistics related to claims received by the EEOC - Equal Employment Opportunity Commission are provided as well as examples of inappropriate behaviors that may result in offense and complaints in the workplace. This course also discusses the importance and steps to addressing workplace complaints and investigations, along with the positives of diversity in the workplace and the part that each employee plays in promoting a workplace that is free of discrimination.
Target Audience
Physicians and Practice Executives
Learning Objectives
- To understand the laws that provide protection against discrimination and harassment in the workplace;
- Discover the difference between what is unlawful and what is simply inappropriate conduct in the workplace;
- To understand that employees are protected against all forms of harassment and bullying in the workplace; and
- To realize how important diversity is in your organization and the part that each employee plays in promoting respect.
Available Credit
- 1.00 Attendance
Please choose the format you wish above: Individual or Group. If you are taking this course on your own, you will choose the individual training option. If you are presenting this training to a group, please choose the group training option.
Required Hardware/software
- Pop-ups must be allowed for this website
- Adobe Flash Player
Use this link to determine your computer's Flash capabilities or to download if necessary: https://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html