Please rate the following questions: * Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree The information presented is relevant to my job functions. The information presented is relevant to my job functions. - Strongly Agree The information presented is relevant to my job functions. - Agree The information presented is relevant to my job functions. - Disagree The information presented is relevant to my job functions. - Strongly Disagree I learned something new or gained a different perspective from this session. I learned something new or gained a different perspective from this session. - Strongly Agree I learned something new or gained a different perspective from this session. - Agree I learned something new or gained a different perspective from this session. - Disagree I learned something new or gained a different perspective from this session. - Strongly Disagree The audio/visuals were clear and contributed to the discussion. The audio/visuals were clear and contributed to the discussion. - Strongly Agree The audio/visuals were clear and contributed to the discussion. - Agree The audio/visuals were clear and contributed to the discussion. - Disagree The audio/visuals were clear and contributed to the discussion. - Strongly Disagree The program achieved the stated objectives. The program achieved the stated objectives. - Strongly Agree The program achieved the stated objectives. - Agree The program achieved the stated objectives. - Disagree The program achieved the stated objectives. - Strongly Disagree Please add any additional comments or suggestions for future programs below: Leave this field blank