9114: Controlled Drugs and Substance Use Disorders - An Update
DISCLAIMER: This course has been available since January of 2024. Policyholders who have already completed this course are not eligible to complete it again for premium credit or CME. Premium credit will not be given for completing the same course twice. If you are unsure whether you have already completed this course, click here to submit an inquiry or sign in and click the "My Activities" tab to see your recently completed activities.
Course Description
This course discusses the effective management of patients with pain and behavioral health conditions, while minimizing the risks of substance use disorder. There are a wide range of substances associated with substance use disorders. The course reviews some brief data, examines evidence-based medicine, and delves into the craving brain. Techniques to treat patients with acute and chronic pain and behavioral health conditions while minimizing the risks of addiction are explored. The course includes actual case studies to illustrate points.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the craving brain and substance use disorders
- Recognize strategies for pain and behavioral health management when using controlled substances
- List screening tests for early recognition of substance use disorders
Course Format
This course is an online video option. It consists of a two-hour video presentation, followed by a test.
Credit Awarded
- 2.0 hours of mandatory controlled substances CME credit for physicians and other prescribers (excluding Oklahoma DOs)
- 10% Premium Credit for Physician Policyholders
- Certificate of Participation for Non-Physicians
This CME course qualifies for 2.0 mandatory prescribing credit hours with all professional boards with the exception of the Oklahoma Board of Osteopathic Examiners. For information regarding your CME/CE requirements/credits, please contact your licensure board.
Course Development
This course was developed by SVMIC’s Risk Education and Evaluation Department: Shelly Weatherly, JD, VP; Julie Loomis, RN, JD, AVP, Risk Education; Trish Campbell, BSN, LNCC, Director of Risk Education; and Jeff Woods, JD, Risk and Practice Management Senior Attorney.
CME Information
Accreditation: This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of the University of Tennessee College of Medicine (UTCOM) and State Volunteer Mutual Insurance Company. The UTCOM is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
AMA Credit Designation: The UTCOM designates this enduring material for a maximum of 2 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
AOA: This program is eligible for two (2) credit hours in Category 2 of the Continuing Medical Education Program of the American Osteopathic Association. Physicians will need to submit a letter of completion from the University of Tennessee directly to the AOA to receive CME credits, or AOA members may self-report the activity.
Continuing Education for Non-Physicians: The UTCOM will issue Certificates of Participation to non-physicians for participating in this activity and designates it for CEUs using the national standard that 1 hour of educational instruction is awarded .1 CEU.
This activity was reviewed by Michael McAdoo, MD, on September 12, 2023. This activity was released on January 1, 2024 and will expire on December 31, 2025. SVMIC will not process any completions after December 31, 2025.
CME Disclosure
In accordance with ACCME Standard 3: Identify, Mitigate and Disclose Relevant Financial Relationships, the University of Tennessee College of Medicine (UTCOM) requires that anyone who is in a position to control the content of an activity disclose all relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies within the past 24 months. Prior to the planning and implementation of this CME activity, UTCOM has taken steps to identify and resolve conflicts of interest for all individuals in a position to control content of this CME activity. No commercial support was received for this activity.
Faculty/Planning Committee Disclosure
The following faculty and/or planning committee members have indicated they have no relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose with ineligible companies whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients: Shelly Weatherly, JD, VP; Julie Loomis, AVP; Jeff Woods, JD; Trish Campbell, BSN, LNCC, Director.
Staff and Content Reviewer(s)
SVMIC staff, input committee and all content validation reviewers involved with this activity have reported no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.
Michael Baron, MD, MPH
Dr. Michael Baron obtained an MD and MPH degree at Tulane University. He completed his anesthesiology residency at Washington University in St. Louis and his psychiatry residency at Vanderbilt University. He has maintained board certifications in anesthesiology, psychiatry, and addiction medicine. He has practiced in the Nashville area since 1998 in a variety of settings. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor at Vanderbilt University. His specialty is chronic pain and addiction. In 2006, he published original research showing that high-dose opioids increased chronic pain scores.
Dr. Baron was appointed to the Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners (BME) in 2010 and reappointed in 2015. He served as Chair of the Tennessee Controlled Substance Monitoring Database committee for three years. He helped write many different Tennessee Department of Health rules pertaining to the treatment of pain, prescribing controlled substances, and addiction. Dr. Baron resigned from the appointed positions in January 2017 to accept the Medical Director position of the Tennessee Medical Foundation – Physician Health Program. Dr. Baron serves on the steering committee for the Tennessee Chronic Pain Guidelines. He helped write the Federation of State Medical Boards policy on Professional Sexual Misconduct in 2019 and the Impaired Physician Policy in 2020. Dr. Baron is also the volunteer Medical Director for the Nashville/Davidson County Drug Court (DC4).
Craig Clark, MD
Child, Adolescent, and Adult Psychiatrist & Chief Medical Officer, Nashville Neuro Psychiatric Associates (NNPA)
Craig Clark is a child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist with nearly 30 years of experience as a clinician. He first attended West Virginia University as a Moore Chemistry Scholar and later Marshall University, from which he ultimately graduated college and medical school Magna Cum Laude.
Drawn to Vanderbilt by the prospect of working with the famed neuropsychiatrist David Bear, MD, Dr. Clark relocated to Nashville in 1988. There he completed his post-doctoral training, inclusive of a rotating internship, followed by a residency in adult psychiatry and a fellowship in child and adolescent psychiatry.
Throughout his career, Dr. Clark has served in many capacities, including Chief Fellow in Child Psychiatry, supervised Vanderbilt Child Fellowship Trainees, Medical Director for all child and adolescent inpatient and outpatient services at Centennial Medical Center’s Parthenon Pavilion, and Public Affairs Representative to the Tennessee Psychiatric Association.
He has traveled the country speaking to audiences of primarily fellow physicians on numerous topics in child, adolescent, and adult psychiatry both in industry-sponsored meetings and CME settings.
Before founding Nashville Neuro Psychiatric Associates (NNPA), Dr. Clark was in private practice at Associated Psychiatrists in Nashville.
Stephanie G. Vanterpool, MD, MBA, FASA
Dr. Stephanie Vanterpool is Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology and Director of Comprehensive Pain Services at the University of Tennessee Medical Center in Knoxville, TN. She earned her medical degree from Duke University School of Medicine, completing an anesthesiology residency at the University of North Carolina and a pain medicine fellowship at Wake Forest University Carolinas Pain Institute. She then returned to Duke to complete her Masters in Business Administration with a certificate in Health Sector Management at the Fuqua School of Business.
Her clinical and academic focus is on Targeted Pain Treatment – the accurate diagnosis and targeted treatment of pain using a multi-modal approach. With over a decade of pain and neuromodulation practice in both private practice and academic settings, Dr. Vanterpool avidly promotes use of Targeted Pain Treatment to help patients with chronic pain reduce opioid use and reclaim relief and functional quality of life. She is the founding course director for the annual Targeted Pain Treatment (TPT) Conference in Knoxville TN, geared towards primary care and specialist clinicians to help them "Treat the Source not the Score" and "Focus on Function" while helping their patients who live with chronic pain. Dr. Vanterpool also hosts quarterly Targeted Pain Treatment patient education events to inform patients of their treatment options and how they can live life not limited by pain.
In addition to her clinical duties, Dr. Vanterpool is also heavily involved in state and national advocacy initiatives. She is a past President of the Tennessee Pain Society, serves on the Board of Directors for the North American Neuromodulation Society (NANS), is the Co-Chair of the NANS Diversity and Outreach Committee (DOC), and is the treasurer for the NANS Women in Neuromodulation (WIN).
For more information on Targeted Pain Treatment and Dr. Vanterpool's educational and advocacy efforts, please visit www.TPT-Toolkit.com.
Available Credit
- 2.00 AMA CME
- 2.00 Attendance
DISCLAIMER: This course has been available since January of 2024. Policyholders who have already completed this course are not eligible to complete it again for premium credit or CME. Premium credit will not be given for completing the same course twice. If you are unsure whether you have already completed this course, click here to submit an inquiry or sign in and click the "My Activities" tab to see your recently completed activities.